Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gun Control or Something Completely Different

before any one reads this i would like to point out I am an American and a proud member of the N.R.A. however i also firmly believe in an America free from the tragedy's such as the Newtown shootings and the Colorado shooting and believe that while universal background checks wont solve the in tire problem they are a step in the right direction. i however firmly appose those such as the Obama Administration who seek to limit our rights to 10 rounds so to speak and who wish to remove our rights to protect our loved ones with what ever force is required in a unique situation we may find ourselves in. if you are with me and respect the weapons that won this countries freedom then respect them and yourself enough to keep these weapons out of the hands of the infirm and undeserving of the world we live in. i firmly hope that this puts all thoughts of those doubting that we gun enthusiasts care about protecting America to bed for it was People like us that helped build this county.I'm not placing the blame i only want whats best for OUR country
     Gun control has been a hot topic, beginning in late 2012 and continuing to 2013. This has been in part due to the awful displays of inhumanity carried out by lone gun men on a mission to kill and maim.  These grotesque displays of violence must be stopped. However; America seems to be focusing on the weapon used to perform these horrible actions and not the man behind that weapon. Of course this weapon is a gun. Instead of shooting straight with this issue politicians seem to be avoiding the underlying cause of this debate by putting all the blame on the weapon. So the question now becomes why. Why do these assassins seek to kill those in their own community’s and sometimes even family’s, (in regards to the Newtown shooting)? What do these slayers have in common that links their killing sprees? It’s not the weapons they have chosen to wield but is something more on a human level:  sanity. So now we get into the meat of the issue these murderers Adam Lanza the Newtown shooter, Seung-Hui Cho the Virginia Tech shooter and the Aurora theater shooter, James Holms all had one thing in common.  All three of these men were mentally unstable.  To think these three tragedies could have been avoided if only the humans selling the weapons had known the state-of-mind that their customers were in.

 This area of the debate deserves our attention because there is a real connection between mental illness and mass public shootings. According to The Washington Times “More than half of the killers in mass shootings over the past century were beset by serious mental illness” (most often severe depression or paranoid schizophrenia), a rate that's at least five times higher than that estimated for the general population. These weapons are not toys and deserve to be treated seriously; as we would treat any dangerous animal primed to kill. So why then do we continue to allow those with mental illness to acquire such weapons? Why are we blind to the fact that the young man that just bought an AK47 is mentally unstable?  

Gun control advocates have some strong points in regards to stricter back ground checks such as in gun shows and heaver penalty’s for those convicted of gun related crimes. Over the past people purchasing weapons at gun shows have not been required to fill out back ground checks. These purchases account for over 40 percent of guns bought in America says Schevel Michael.  When asked his opinion about this situation Steve Mostyn trial-lawyer from Houston, who is pro-gun, while also being in favor of universal background checks had this to say, “I’m not anti-gun. I'm just not pro-dumbass.” However in the last group of mass shootings back ground checks would have done nothing to stop the rampaging gun men from acquiring weapons because they had no criminal history. So yes universal back ground checks should be implemented but they are not the only issue. America has seen the devastation that a mentally ill man and a gun can reap so why not remove the guns from the people unfit to have them?

However this suggestion has sent one group reeling and unfortunately it is this one group that disagrees with psychiatric analyses and reporting on the status of the mentally ill are the ones whose cooperation we need the most doctors. These medical professionals claim that revealing such knowledge is a total breach of doctor patient confidentiality (Robert McCarthy). Not to mention the repercussions of reporting the status of the mentally ill to the ATF. Julianne Carbin, executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Wisconsin, said that doing so might further alienate those who need help and discourage people from seeking treatment. Kenneth P. Houseknecht, executive director of the Erie County Mental Health Association "We have to stop associating violence with mental illness," however the world has proven the connection between mental illness and violence despite the cries from those who would put all the blame on the weapon.  While these are both valid points we should be looking at this on a human level and asking the question how many lives this doctor patient trust is worth.


             It is these doctors who have chosen this career and who have the responsibility of caring for and teaching these people. Not only doctor’s, but school teachers, counselors and parents also have a responsibility to the mentally disabled, they are charged with. They have the responsibility of taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. However: they also have an obligation to the community to report on the status of those people when by neglecting that responsibility the person in there care may become dangerous.  This truth becomes evident when we examine the Aurora Colorado shooting. Holms doctors knew of his disability and saw his tendency towards violence, but said nothing. By doing this the doctors claim they were preserving professional confidentiality.  However; it could also be seen as a veil of ignorance and by not reporting on these patients the doctors avoided that responsibility all together. In the case of Virginia Tech there where even more signs pointing to Cho’s instability and the approaching storm, for instance Cho was detained and evaluated in 2005 and found to be a serious threat to himself due to mental infirmity according to state officials.            

Since Cho was never involuntarily committed after the evaluation, he could not have been added to the database listing the mentally ill and other groups barred from purchasing firearms. But Cho does seem to fit ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) guidelines for inclusion, since a judge determined that he presented an, "Imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness." If Virginia lawmakers had con-formed their standard to the federal law, then Cho's gun purchase would have been prohibited (Sullivan, Will).

This case brings about a serious point, for example in most mass murder cases there are warnings. It is our own blindness and the blindness of some politicians that leave us defenseless. On that account new legislation is desperately needed to combat this deadly blindness and disregard for responsibility. Efforts should be made to pass legislation requiring a psychiatric examination and in agreement with gun control policy back ground checks. These should be administered everywhere guns are being sold. Also it should be the doctor’s responsibility to relate any knowledge he may have of his patient’s mental health so that the ATF can have that person on record. Mental health professionals need to determine who should be allowed to purchase any firearms even if this means a longer gun buying process and less confidentiality.  If this action helps protect Americans and the 2nd amendment at the same time then it is an option worth looking into.

            To really understand why we have these problems we have to discuss medical costs for mental illness. These programs are very expensive and before 2008 they were not generally covered, like most other treatments. According to the American Psychological Association in 2010 congress passed the Wellstone Domenici Mental Health Parity Act, this act allowed people struggling with disease or addiction to seek help that was often covered. While this is a step in the right direction the shootings of 2012 have proven it not to be enough. There are far more people that are in need of this life saving help just over one third of all mass shooters known to have mental illness have been treated we have to do better (Grant Duwe The Washington times). However many Americans fear that by diving deeper into the mental health dilemma their insurance prices will become a crushing weight. This has put America in a tight spot with the tanking economy and high prices for medical treatment. While many of these suggestions should be implemented, there is a legitimate concern about higher insurance prices.          

     There are thirty-thousand deaths due to gun violence every year and about one million suicides each year; while this is a major tragedy, if mental health became more of a priority both numbers could be reduced. A majority of these suicides are due to mental illness and while depression links to only a hand full of deaths, bipolar disorder, an illness in which one-half of it relates back to depression, suicide rates is 15 times higher than in the general  healthy  public Los Angeles Examiner. Also ranking as one of the highest reasons for suicide is paranoia schizophrenia the disease that both James Holms and Adam Lanza suffered from.   This is burning evidence that mental health legislation needs to be revisited. Now, this debate becomes less about magazine capacity and assault weapons and more about helping those in need while letting our rights remain intact.

                While America does seem to be going through some troubling times with mass public shooting there is a cure. Cheaper health care for those with mental illness honest doctors looking out for the good of the community and proper back ground checks along with psychiatric analysis upon purchasing a gun. These measures will stop not just criminals but those whose mental infirmities might cause them to be a danger to themselves and others.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

how to fish for sharks, blacktip challeng must watch

In most of my blog posts thus far I have been versed in what I was teaching, however this time I'm just as new to this topic as y'all.  This week I will cover beach shark fishing.  As I pointed out I am a rookie, but have found a great source of information on the topic at Black Tip, and I would like to share it.  This page is a great source for baits, gear, rigs and rods. So please check it out and who knows if you like what you see you may just get hooked

Of course, I would never tell you to expect the results you see here. This guy, Josh, has been doing this for years, as I'm sure you can see in the videos. Nonetheless, I’m sure if you follow his advice you too can be the oceans most deadly predator. Remember to check all the rules and regulations in your area to make sure sharks are legal to catch. All the sharks you see here were released and tagged for study.  So please help keep this awesome animal swimming.  Another great site to check out is Barret Rods.

 Good fishing and God bless,


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Make a Dropper Loop Rig

            First let me start out by saying this video is not the best because it doesn’t show how to tie the whole rig just one loop.  However; this is enough to show you how to tie your basic rig. s

 Just remember for fish like lady fish and whitens it’s better to use 2 loops

1.       Let’s start with a 3ft section of 20 to 50lb mono leader and a swivel rated for one hundred pounds. I like to use 2, #3 kale hooks and a 3oz pyramid sinker.

2.       To begin tie the loop like it shows in the video placing one loop a foot from the right end of the leader material. Next   tie another loop a foot to the left of that loop. It will look like this:  a foot of mono, a loop, and another foot of mono, a loop and then another foot.

3.        Next, I suggest that you tie another dropper at the far left end of the leader and then run the loop through the eye of the pyramid sinker.

4.      In addition, to that drop the weight itself through the loop that you just ran through the eye.  This will connect the weight to the leader, (without a knot this means you can change the weight when necessary).

5.       In conclusion, tie that swivel to the other side of the leader. This will then be attached to your main line.

This is a great rig to use when fishing for fish shrimp for bait fish.

Consider adding beads to the loops or main leader. This is up to you; add as many as you want, remember the noise as well as the red beads will attract fish. Keep in mind that the red beads will mainly bring in the whiting and pin fish.

However; if you want bigger fish beads aren’t the best approach.

 This type of rig has been known to catch reds, whiting, and lady fish as well as small sharks.  The stronger ones can even bring in striped bass. This one is a fairly adaptable rig so it’s great for beginners.

So start tying!
Good fishing and God Bless Ryan                                                                                      

Monday, April 8, 2013

how to make surf casting rigs

Surf casting rigs now beware;

What type of rig you use depends heavily on what type of fish you are targeting. Also you can buy pre-made rigs from Wal-Mart, however; they will never be as good as the rigs that you craft with your own hands.

 Now, most first time fishermen will catch a whole lot of pin fish, dog fish (small sharks), whiting, and lady fish.   All of these fish can be caught on pretty simple tackle dropper rigs along with shrimp or squid strips.

 Remember though that other fish such as striped bass, flounder, sea trout and red drum usually will call for heavier rigs such as fish finders and carolina rigs. Now that you have a basic idea of the different species caught by baiting with a dropper or other types of rigs let’s talk about what materials you need.

The first thing you will need is leader material 30 to 50lb test monofilament is good but fluorocarbon is almost invisible in the water.  So if you’re using heavy leaders it may be a good idea to use fluorocarbon. Keep in mind you get what you pay for and mono works fine and floro is expensive!

The next thing you will need is hooks and weights.  I like to use Khale hooks for whiting and lady fish and size 2 to 3 for fish like blue fish. I use “J” hooks in the 4 to 5 range.

 Here is a useful tip: Eagle Claw Laser Sharps are great hooks, hard to rust and are very sharp.

 With blue fish I also use wire leaders, because blues have very sharp teeth, (watch your fingers).  For the bigger fish like red drum, blacks strippers, sharks and so on, I use only circle hooks, up to size 9 for the bigger fish.    The reason I prefer a circle hook is because it won’t gut hook and kill the fish giving the fish another chance, and me another chance to catch it another time.  

 Circle hooks will automatically hook the fish in the corner of the mouth. This is the safest way to catch a big fish.

Weights, like most other things in surf fishing the size weight you should use depends on what is going on in the ocean at the time. I will use anything from a 3oz pyramid sinker for bait and small fish like whiting. Then up to 6 to 8oz storm sinker for my 12ft rods in heavy current.   The heavier the swell is the bigger weight you will need.   Pyramids are good when you want holding power; the same goes double with storm sinkers.


 If you are fishing for ambush fish such as flounder you will want to use a Carolina rig with a soft plastic shrimp attached.  You will also want to use a bank sinker or heavy egg shot, because you want the rig to role in the swell, and these weights are round and don’t hold.   Since flounder lie in the water and wait you can let the bate drift.

 Beads:  yes, like your little sisters or daughters bead necklaces these beads will protect your knots from your weight slamming against them.   A color such as red can attract fish such as blue fish.  (Remember red beads blue fish).  Also, the sound of the beads bouncing off your sinkers can sound like a struggling fish under water. I try to always use glass beads they make a better sound.

Swivels:   let’s talk about swivels; these are little pieces of metal with circles in which to tie the line to. These are used to connect your leader to your main line.  They eliminate line twist and breakage. One rated for 100lb to 150lb work for all, with the exception of the heaviest surf beasts.

These are the rig making basics, next time I’ll be back to explain the actual tying of these rigs.

I will show you a few different and creative ways to do this as well as share some great instructional videos. 

Good hunting, fishing

and as always God Bless


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let’s go to the beach

Surf Fishing

Part 1

Introduction to Surf Fishing:

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to go to the beach and catch big game fish without having to pay big game charters to do it?   Well, look now further there is a highly affordable way to do just that.   It’s called surf fishing or surf casting.

This sport is done with rod and reel from the sands of the beach. First on the list is to choose the correct gear, like most things in life you get what you pay for. However; you can get into surf fishing out fit for 30 bucks. This will just include rod and real such as a   7ft rod and a light spinning real. Keep in mind that if this is your first time there is no point in spending up to $3,000 on a fishing outfit. Make sure that you know if you’ll enjoy the sport first.

After those first couple of times, if you fall in love with this type of fishing like I did and enjoy  going out on the beach and casting from the sand  then some of the  reels that I really like fishing with and would suggest are Penn Reels. I have 2 of the Penn Fierce, which is a spinning reel and a fathom. This is a heavy duty reel for bringing in big reds, strippers, and even 6ft black tip sharks.

 Keep these points in mind when looking for a reel:  a line capacity of 300yds of at least 20lb mono is great for the small to medium size catch and will handle most fish in the surf.

However; if you decide to get serous you will have to look into a heavier outfit. You will need one that can handle a 65lb braid and 500yds is preferable, especially if you plan on fighting big fish a big fish can run out a lot of line in a hurry.

Next, let’s talk about rods. The first thing most people think of is a lone fisherman on the beach with a towering rod that ranges from 10 to 15ft. Although, that is not necessary. I started catching whiting from the surf with a 7 and1/2ft rod. Of course the big fish are generally farther out but for the beginner it is a great set up. When shopping for rods check out the   “Ocean Master” by Off Shore Angler, and the Ugly Stick, which can be picked up at your local Wal-Mart.

Part 2 post, of this topic will be based on rig tying

 And as always good fishing and God Bless


Thursday, April 4, 2013

"S & S Graham" Southern Hospitality in a Pro Shop

This is a post written specifically for my readers of North Carolina, especially those in the Salisbury, China Grove areas.

 Every grizzled, archery veteran will tell you the same thing; you need to find a good pro shop that you trust to handle all your equipment. One that can reliably answer any questions you might have about your sport. And if you’re fortunate enough to live in North Carolina then you will enjoy meeting the fine folks at S&S Grams archery.

As soon as you walk in you will be greeted by “Bear,” the huge chocolate lab who call this business home.  Next you will be impressed by the friendly greetings from the owner and employees. Anyone of them in the shop will drop what they’re doing at a moment’s notice to assist any customer, or just to talk about hunting.

 This shop is the epitome of southern hospitality in a business.

“Grams,” is also one of the largest Mathews and Hoyt dealers on the east coast. Any beginners are instantly taken under the wings of the experts in the shop, as they pass along both stories and knowledge.  They will be happy to help you set up draw weights and the whole 9 yards.

 “Grams,” also has an archery range with a large block target to sight in your new rig without the fear of losing arrows.

So if you’re a resident of North Carolina or just passing through be sure to check out S&S Grams and please tell me what you think and let them know Ryan sent you.
11700 N Main St
China Grove NC

Good Hunting and God Bless,                         

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring is in the air and the arrows should be also.  Ladies and gentlemen, winter has released its cold grip on us and now is the perfect time to start strengthening up your bow muscles, and extending your max range.

 During the first part of this spring I would suggest that you shoot a lot of arrows and get your muscles back to peak pulling strength also.  If you can’t go out and practice then just do this exercise.

 Take a round weight that corresponds or is at least close to the same weight of your bow or the weight that you want to be pulling at the end of the year.      

Use the round weight and take a strong rope with a handle or tie the end of the rope to form a handle. Insert the rope through the circular weight. Next, hold the end of the rope with the handle and drape the weight over a sturdy structure at chest height. Once you are set up use the handle and pretend to draw your bow.  The weight hanging over the structure will act as the draw weight of the bow; this will simulate drawing back and can be a good way to strengthen your bow muscles.  Once, the feeling in your arm is back to normal it’s time to extend your max range.

 What I like to do to accomplish this is take a normal size paper plate and tape it to your target. The reason I do this is because that plate is about the size of a deer’s vitals. Pace yourself back about twenty yards and take three to five arrows then begin to shoot at the plate.  Once your hitting the plate with all arrows step back five yards. Continue at this exercise until you begin to miss.  This will give you your maximum range.  You should be responsible and not take a shot past this range while hunting. As the year and time moves and spring begins to turn to fall practice often.  Consider every shot a kill shot at a live animal. Ten to fifteen arrows should suffice for a days practice.

You should be ready to head to the woods after this spring training. Heed these tips and you will see increases in your draw strength and your accuracy. also like gordy explained in the vid its often helpfull to practice from elivation this will help get you shooting the right angles from a tree stand.

Good Hunting and God bless

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stick and String Sunday   
  This week on stick and string Sunday we will be discussing a part of your bow that you may think isn’t worth its weight, your stabilizer.  I’m here to tell you that it is. If you’ve ever watched a 3-d shooting competition then no doubt you’ve noticed the huge stabilizer bars sticking out of so many places on their bows.  They look like porcupines.


 Now while this is great for 3-d shooters it’s neither necessary nor practical for the weekend warrior in pursuit of whitetail or turkey.  However a small stabilizer is defiantly a good idea for a couple of reasons: first of all it reduces vibrations making the bow far less forgiving and also much louder.   These days’ people use many kinds of accessories to accomplish this task and sure they work but nothing will give you as good of results as a nice stabilizer.


     If you’re just getting into archery my best advice is to watch someone with good form.  One of the things you should notice is that after the shot the bow tilts forward.   The archers that have this effect aren’t specifically due to the stabilizer, the sights and rest also adds to the weight on the front of the bow.   The stabilizer is a big cause for this tilt.  If your bow is balanced you should never feel it tip back into your body instead it should go forward with the top cam pointing to the target. This will also insure that you don’t move to quick after the shot.  Remember these aren’t guns, even today’s bows lob arrows very slow compared to a gun.  Any movement directly following the shot can cause poor arrow flight. Weighting for your top limb to point to the target before resetting is very important.

Well ya'll, I hope this has showed you the importance of a stabilizer in the woods and in competition

Good Shooting and God bless


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Blood Trailing 101


Losing a wounded game animal is the most heart wrenching part of this sport we love. It can bring the most seasoned hunter to a weeks’ worth of restless nights.


 One way to keep these tragedies from accruing is to become the best blood tracker in the woods. After losing my first potential bow kills and after two days of frantic searching, the trail ran cold. As ashamed as I am to admit it, that experience pushed me to spend time lost in the woods and buried in books. Books such as the Beniote’s Family Hunting, these books are tailored to deer trailing not necessary blood trailing, tracking in general.


 Now to the meat of this post: learning to recognize the signs left by game animals especially white tails.


The first thing you should know is that the blood you see can tell you a lot about your shot placement. If you see dark pure blood the odds are good your shot hit the heart and the deer will go down soon. If the blood has partials in it than it was probably a gut shot.  This is bad news; give the deer a day if the weather permits then take up the trail.


 If the blood is dark and oily then you struck the liver, again a day’s wait is the best approach to finding the deer. If blood is bright red and has bubbles in it then it’s a good shot that means you got the lungs. So, give it a couple of hours depending on the trail then go find your deer.


Start by:  mentally marking the last place you saw the deer, odds are that mark will be the first place you see blood. Something important to remember is to not just keep your focus on the ground, keep looking around and look for the path of least resistance, Also the hunter staring at his boots the whole time will never see his wounded deer hop up and walk away.  Blood signs are also left in other places rather than the ground such as trees, low shrubs and other things that the deer might have brushed up against in his escape.


Not much blood no worries. Use the tracks, look for slides this means the deer was on a full sprint, and may have run for a while.   Your arrow can also tell you a lot about where you hit the dear.  Hydrogen peroxide? Yes hydrogen peroxide can be used to help blood trail your game. By using an old Windex bottle full of the product you can spray it on the blood.  It will begin to bubble and you’ll be able to determine what is blood and what is just the red fall leaves. Well I hope this helps eliminate the heartache caused by losing your prize game,

 As always

Good Hunting and God Bless,



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

how to make deer jerky

Deer season just ended and if you were fortunate enough to tag one, be it a large buck or small doe, this recipe will work wonders and impress all who taste it. Of course I'm talking about deer jerky a favorite snack amongst outdoors men and women. This is one of my favorite recipes in my entire jerky making arsenal and I'm sure you and your family will love it.

Sweet Island bbq Jerky

First take your venison beef or even turkey out of the freezer and let it thaw until most of ice is gone. If it remains somewhat frozen it will be easier to cut.

Cut the jerky into 3 to 4 inch strips about a 1/4 an inch thick. The thicker the meat the longer the dehydrating process will be. Remember 3 pounds of meat will only make a pound and a half of jerky.

Begin the marinade by combining 1 cup worcestershire sauce and a half a cup of soy sauce into a large bowl.

Next mix a half cup of bbq sauce in with your mixture, Sweet Baby Rays works great.

Now this is where the recipe got its name. Take a cup of pineapple juice and pineapple chunks and add them into the bowl.

Cut a sweet onion in half and dice one half of it into the mix.

If your eyes are watering too much to be able to see then give the cutting a break why lose a finger?
Stir in 2 table spoons of brown sugar.

(At this point if your house doesn't smell amazing you have really bad allergies)

Add 1 table spoon of minced garlic to the mix along with a dash of dry mustard.

You don't want this to be a scorching spicy hot recipe however if you like some heat then stir in 1 teaspoonful of chili powder. (Optional)

If you have a smoker you can go that route, however; I find Collagen’s liquid smoke works well. Just add a couple dashes to the mix then whiff the marinade, how much smoke you use is really a preference thing.

Throw in 2 dashes of burger seasoning, Famous Dave's is good stuff, and add paprika and cayenne to taste

This is a fairly long recipe but I guarantee you will never think about store bought jerky the same again once you've let the jerky marinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator place the strips of meat on the dehydrator trays and let it sit for 8 to 12 hours.

Some people swear that eating the meat straight off the dehydrator is fine after 12 hours but I prefer to dehydrate it for 8 hours and then pop into the oven for a short stay, (10-15 mon.) on 200 degrees. It has a better texture.

We’ll ya’ll hope you enjoy the jerky if you try the recepe send me a comment and let me know what you thought as always

Good hunting and God bless,


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Select Turkey Hunting Gear

Welcome back to Southern Roots, today we will be finishing up the last post in the turkey hunters guide.  This post will focus on what you’re going to need for heading out into the spring woods and where to get it.

To begin with let’s start out with the shot gun hunter. first things first you’re going to need a shot gun chambered for at least 3in shells, 3 1/2 in will allow you to shoot bigger shells for better range.  Your shot gun should have at least bead sights, red dots work wonders but aren’t necessary. Make sure your shot gun has a good butt pad, turkey shells are infamous for leaving some serious bruises and this can make recoil shy shooters flinch at the moment of truth.   

Another thing to consider is that turkeys have great eye sight, so camo guns are defiantly preferred. If you already have a gun that you want to use that doesn't have a camo pattern you can find all kinds of ways to camo the gun at most hunting outfitter; Cabelas, Bass pro shop etc.  However; if you decide not to camo your guns at least make sure you have a non-reflective paint on all the metal. Do not put this paint on yourself. The best way to do this if it doesn't come camo from the factory is to use camo wrap or get it professionally done.

 Now as for the all-important shot gun shell I’ve always had the most success with 12 gauge.  Although, with a good shell 20s can still do the job just fine.  If you do decide to go with the 20 gauge get a tight choke and use good shells like federal premium flight control wad.  You can get these shells almost anywhere (unless you’re having the same problem that we are down here in the south and no store can keep ammo on the shelf).  If you’re shooting a 12 gauge you don't have to be quite as particular you can get cheaper shells and chokes. A good idea is to  still get a turkey choke and practice at 40 yards and remember no amount of gear can make up for practice.

 Let’s step away from the gun safe for a second and talk about apparel yes I said clothes.  Starting at the top and working our way down.  First the  hat something to cover your head is a must,  next your face,  if you’re like me and you have a good ol farmers tan then you will want a mask or at least  face paint for sure you  wouldn't want the sun reflecting off that white face. This will   give you away.

 The next thing you will need to think about is if you want to use a vest or a pack.   Most turkey hunters you see choose a vest and with good reason everything you need is easy access and organized.  They are light breathable and often have cushions for sitting on.  As for me being a bow hunter, I hunt from a blind and find it just as easy to carry a pack.

 Now comes the part where we talk about those bushes you see on the TV shows with the turkey calls and the gun 3-D camo. This has become a symbol of turkey hunters and with good reason this type of camo is a huge innovation. While not completely necessary, you’ll find that you get busted a lot less if you invest in a good 3D suite, one that matches your area. Check the brand  Red Head for this product.

As for your feet, you want the boots you wear to be water proof.  Gore-Tex is great as far as water proof goes and light insulation.  If you’re in an area with lots of snakes, invest in a good pair of snake boots better safe than sorry or even dead.

 As for your hands, you will want to make sure that your hands are covered for the same reason as you cover your face.  So use light gloves sprayed down with bug spray if you don't spray you are in for a miserable hunt.   

Blinds are another aspect of turkey hunting gear, this one is optional but I love mine.  Like most things go you can spend as much or as little as you like but if you are bow hunting just make sure that you have room to draw back.   If you are looking for a high dollar blind I suggest double bull blinds by Primos. Also and hub blind by primos is a good buy.   If you go this route get a comfortable seat.  I’ve been known to carry a bucket and pillow into the woods; this will have your hunting buddies laughing as you come out of the woods with a long beard.  The reason I use a bucket is because there is no back rest to interfere with my draw and of course the pillow is self-explanatory.

 Let’s talk about the bow hunters out there, as I said in an earlier post just use the same set up you do for deer; 50lb draw weight is fine even less will work.  The only part about bow hunting birds that is really different is your broad heads.  Make sure you are using large blade expandable range; two or three blade turkey broad heads are the best for body shots. However; if you want to go after the head, gobbler guillotine is the only way to go.  All of these items can be bought at your local archery shop.  Remember to support small businesses but Bass Pro will also carry them.

 Well y'all spring is almost here time to check off the shopping list and get ready for another year.

Good Hunting and God Bless,


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

decoy tactics

Turkey decoys have been used for years and have been deemed highly effective among turkey hunters. However decoys require hunters that use them to know the proper techniques. Hopefully this post will help every new turkey hunter understand how to properly use turkey decoys.

 There are quite a few different types of turkey decoys out there. I usually use the foam body collapsible variety.  They are easy to store in your hunting vest or pack they are light weight and fairly realistic. There are also hard bodied silhouette types which are basically just flat fabric stretched on stakes and painted like a turkey.  Moving decoys are becoming more and more popular these decoys work with either a jerk string or an electronic motor.  The advantage to moving decoys is that they give you that little bit of extra realism which can bring in that weary tom and give him confidence.  An extremely popular moving decoy is made by Primos and it’s called the killer B.

Now that you know a little about the types of decoys it’s time to talk about uses and strategies. I will also share with you some tricks that I’ve learned over the years.  One of the number one reasons hunters use decoys is to give an animal confidence, this rings true with turkey hunting as well.  for instance if you’re trying to call in a tom and he is responding to your calls but he just won’t come within range,  if he sees that decoy odds are he will come to investigate.  He will be ready to fight or breed.  The reason is that  he hears the call and he’s interested but then when he sees the decoy he is convinced this is not just a hunters set up but that this one is for  real. This is why decoys have become such a huge part of turkey hunting.

Set up and strategies

When setting up your decoys there are some things you should think about that will make you more successful.  Remember when that bird comes strutting in all of his attention will be focused on your decoys so do not put the decoys in a spot directly lined up with yourself. This step will insure that the sharp eyed gobbler won’t be looking right at you.  Using decoys as a focal point for the turkeys can be very effective but it can also get you in trouble.  An important   thing to remember is that if you choose to use a jake, (young male) decoy then be aware the best time to use this decoy is early season when the hierarchy is being established. This means that toms will be looking for a fight and will likely come to chase off the weak jake.  If you decide to use a jake decoy face him towards yourself toms will approach him from the front ready to fight, meaning you will be completely concealed. Here is something that can only be discovered through experimenting.  Some times when you have a tom that has seen decoys before and knows better than to come within range use this trick it will make it look like a hen and jake decoy are breeding. The tom will throw his better judgment out the window and come charging in.  This is most effective early season.  Another effective strategy is to set up between the moving tom and your decoys way you will not be seen but when using decoys.  Always remember if you set up the decoys out of your effective range then they do you no good so keep them close.

Too old to fight?

 Yes sometimes if a gobbler has some age on him 3 years or older he will not be much into fighting. What I am saying is that his all bark. In this case using a jake decoy can be like shooting yourself in the foot.  This gobbler will want nothing to do with getting his feathers kicked and just be on his way.

I hope this 3 part post has encouraged some of you great hunters to head into the spring woods for long beards this year.

Good hunting and God bless,

Ryan Lilly

Sunday, February 17, 2013

the art of calling

CALLS Part 2

Diaphragm (aka mouth calls) :

Mouth calls are a small piece of latex with any number of cuts in it or they could have no cuts at all. The material is stretched on a frame and covered in tape.  These calls are slightly more difficult to use compared to the friction calls. However, I definitely suggest you take the time to learn.  Mouth calls can be very effective when that sharp eyed gobbler is close and using a call that forces you to move or use your hands are out of the question.  The mouth call can also be extremely effective when used in corporation with a friction call making you sound like a harem of willing hens.  Once one has command of the mouth call he can change his cadence and pitch easily and make himself sound like the whole flock.


 Place the call in your mouth, using your mouth place the call on your tongue and seal it to the roof of your mouth.   Use your tongue to place pressure on the latex, the more pressure you put on the latex reed the higher the pitch of the call will be.  Next, put your tongue on the reed and just force air between your tongue and the reeds to make a whistle sound.  Once you can make the whistle then say the word “puck” or “chuck this will cause the call to make a cluck ”. Once you have mastered this call blow on the reeds with a lot of pressure and then let off the pressure while continuing to blow air with your diaphragm this will make a whine . These are the first two calls I would suggest you master. these two calls can also be used when the gobblers head is down and you want him to look up to get that clean shot
Locator calls:

 Locator calls do exactly what the name suggests.  These calls can be anything from a wing bone call, gobbler shaker, crow calls, coyote calls, owl calls etc….   Let’s start with the most popular of these calls the crow and owl call.  These call are used to get birds to “shock gobble”, this is when an excited tom gobbles to any sound resembling the call of a hen.  The owl call can also be used the night before the hunt or if you get into the woods an hour or so before it gets light. By getting a bird to shock gobble from his bed room roost.  This can give you a great start to the hunt by allowing you to know just where to set up. 

Once you have located your bird and he is still in the tree this trick can also be effective.  While calling to the bird beat your hat on your leg this will sound like other turkeys taking flight out there roosting trees. This will encourage the smart tom to come down and join the other birds that he thinks are on the ground. You can also buy a real turkey wing with feathers on it for this task, sold by Primos.  However, I find using some rebel ingenuity works fine. You can also to use a rubber band around a bunch of turkey feathers that you’ve found to make one of the wing calls.

Two of the other Locator calls are the wing bone and the gobbler shaker; these two calls are very loud and useful to any turkey hunter. The wing bone is a Native American call that was once made from the hollow wing bone of a turkey.   Don’t worry if you’re not much of a call maker Primos also sells these calls.  These type of calls are loud enough to get that stubborn tom to gobble all the way across the property


 Cup your hands around the large end of the call and place the tips of your lips on the smaller end. Next, suck in air while opening your cupped hands.  This will make the sound while use your hands to make the sound echo.

The gobbler shaker is a call meant to imitate the call of a male turkey.   This can be dangerous as I stated in the beginning of part one of this post turkey hunting is dangerous. The main reason is that other hunters may be in the woods this means you have to pay close attention when making the sound of the animal that others are hunting.  This call can be used as a locator call or to fire up that tom and make him ready to fight and when this call is paired with a hen call this can be a potent combination. I have had this trick work when all else fails.


 Grab this call by the plastic end and shake. This one is pretty simple.  I suggest listening to a tom gobble to get some idea of how they sound then try to imitate it with this call.

I hope this post gave you spring fever because I know I have it!

Good hunting and God bless,

Ryan Lilly

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The art of calling:

 This post will focus on using the proper techniques for calling in long beards while covering some of the basic types of turkey calls used in the spring woods. So get ready to grab your 12 gauge put on your snake boots and pop in a mouth call, lets go.

Basic types of calls:

I choose to start here because if you don't know what you’re looking for in a turkey call then there is a good chance you could end up purchasing the wrong one for yourself. I am starting with the 3 most basic types of calls the friction call, diaphragm or mouth call and the locator call. Each one of these calls has a place in the turkey hunter’s bag of tricks.  The most used call in the spring woods is the ever popular friction call.

As the name suggests friction calls work by using the power of friction. These calls come in 3 call types: the pot and peg, box call and the push pen. The most popular are the box and the pot and peg style calls.  My personal favorite is the pot and peg or slate call. The calls are operated by a wooden peg also known as a striker sliding across a surface such as glass, slate, aluminum or plexie type material.  Each surface material has its advantages and disadvantages; glass for example is very high pitched.  It is a call that will cut through strong winds easily.  The same goes for aluminum, this makes the first two calls great starting call and easy to use in any condition. Slate and plexi on the other hand are a little lower and quieter, making soft purrs and clucks perfect for imitating that provocative hen. if you are  confused and conflicted on what type of material you want to use then i suggest using the “quacker boy triple threat,” 1/3 of the call is glass and 1/3 is plexi , and 1/3 is aluminum,  this is a great call for those of you who just can’t make up their mind
Technique:The first thing you want to do is use the sand paper that comes with your call to cause abrasions on the surface of your call. This will allow the sound of calls to be made so it is imperative that you do not get the surface wet or to wipe it on clothing. Now let’s call, if you are using a pot and peg style call set the pot in your non dominant hand and the striker or peg in the other hand. Next, with your left hand make your fingers form a platform for the pot so that there is a pocket in your hand under the sound hole. At this point hold the striker in your right hand at a 45 degree angle and draw egg shaped ovals on the surface of the call.  Practice until you are comfortable.
                                            this tramp stamp by flextone is a great call and one
                                             of my favorite

Box calls and push pens:

Box calls and push pins like the pot and peg calls work on friction also. However they just have a slightly different design. Let’s began with the box call, a box call consist of a well, a box and a lid. When using the box call take the lid and slide it across the roughed lip of the box.  This causes the high pitched clucks, cuts and purrs. While not as loud as most glass and aluminum calls the box call does have advantages such as its one piece construction.  If you are one of those people who lose gear easily this is a huge advantage over the pot and peg style call. Another great advantage is the   ease of use.  The box call is probably the easiest call to learn. Although don’t let this stop you from trying other calls, a turkey hunter needs many types of calls to trick shy gobblers.  Also remember all birds are different and like different things remember this when call shopping.  Certain box calls have other ability’s for instance a wet box, this call does not need chalk and can work in wet conditions something most friction calls can’t do. The push pen calls operate by pushing a small wooden peg into a box which makes the call.   Like most friction calls its very simple to use and can also attach to the underside of a shot gun making it possible to do some calling while that gobbling, long beard is in your face and personal.

Technique scrapes the lid across the lip of the box to make the call

Don’t forget to check out the next post where we will continue to inform you about calls.

Good Hunting and God Bless,


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Welcome to Stick & String Sunday

Stick and Sting Sunday, is the part of my blog where I will discuss bow hunting tips and tricks. Everything from learning to keep yourself sent free to perfecting your shooting form. This week where going to take a look at your bow grip and sight pictures.

Bow Grip

 Let’s begin with your bow grip, one thing that a lot of shooters, especially the younger ones tend to do is hold there bow too tightly.  This causes torque, which can destroy arrow flight and accuracy.  Too much torque has even been known to cause sting derailment which is a major problem. With today’s cams, the ones with shallow grooves derailment are far more prominent. One way a lot of shooters seek to combat torque is to shoot with an open hand grip.  However; this isn’t necessary or the best technique.  When you pull the trigger you instinctively grasp the handle of the bow, putting all kinds of bad torque on your bow.  Fortunately, there is a way to rid you of all unwanted torque.  The trick here is to wrap your fore finger and your thumb around your grip and just let the rest of your hand relax. Allow the grip to be pulled into the pocket of your hand between your thumb and first finger and this will keep the torque out of your form.

Model DS-5019

 Sight Picture and the Right Bow Sight

Your sight picture is what you see when looking through your peep and at your pins. A lot of people use the popular 3 of 5 pin sights, however; in the past 3 years I have fallen in love with the single pin adjustable sights. Imagine never having to put your target between your pins again. All you have to do is range the target, adjust the sight to the proper distance and let her fly.  Using a one pin sight has another distinct advantage.  No more bendy pins.  blendy pins is the effect when your fiber optic pins glare together and cause you to lose your target. This becomes a real problem especially at first and last light, which is conveniently the time when deer move the most.  So if you want to be the most effective shooter you can be by following these tips to perfect your form.

As always,

 Good Shooting and God Bless,

Ryan Lilly