Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Make a Dropper Loop Rig

            First let me start out by saying this video is not the best because it doesn’t show how to tie the whole rig just one loop.  However; this is enough to show you how to tie your basic rig. s

 Just remember for fish like lady fish and whitens it’s better to use 2 loops

1.       Let’s start with a 3ft section of 20 to 50lb mono leader and a swivel rated for one hundred pounds. I like to use 2, #3 kale hooks and a 3oz pyramid sinker.

2.       To begin tie the loop like it shows in the video placing one loop a foot from the right end of the leader material. Next   tie another loop a foot to the left of that loop. It will look like this:  a foot of mono, a loop, and another foot of mono, a loop and then another foot.

3.        Next, I suggest that you tie another dropper at the far left end of the leader and then run the loop through the eye of the pyramid sinker.

4.      In addition, to that drop the weight itself through the loop that you just ran through the eye.  This will connect the weight to the leader, (without a knot this means you can change the weight when necessary).

5.       In conclusion, tie that swivel to the other side of the leader. This will then be attached to your main line.

This is a great rig to use when fishing for fish shrimp for bait fish.

Consider adding beads to the loops or main leader. This is up to you; add as many as you want, remember the noise as well as the red beads will attract fish. Keep in mind that the red beads will mainly bring in the whiting and pin fish.

However; if you want bigger fish beads aren’t the best approach.

 This type of rig has been known to catch reds, whiting, and lady fish as well as small sharks.  The stronger ones can even bring in striped bass. This one is a fairly adaptable rig so it’s great for beginners.

So start tying!
Good fishing and God Bless Ryan                                                                                      

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